Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is one of the most recognizable names in Hollywood. He has starred in some of the biggest films and television shows of all time. But Charlie Sheen is more than just an actor. He's also a comedian and a rock star. Charlie has always been a risk taker. In his career, he's taken on some of the most daring roles in film and television history. He's played soldiers in the Vietnam War, drug addicts in the 1980s, and Wall Street traders in the 1990s. Charlie's success has come with a price. He's battled alcohol and drug abuse, marital problems, and allegations of domestic violence. But Charlie has never backed down from a challenge. In 2010, Charlie was the highest paid actor on television. He earned over $1.8 million per episode of Two and a Half Men. But even with all his success, Charlie is still just a guy from America who loves making people laugh.