Liam Neeson

Name: Liam Neeson An Irish actor who has starred in some of the most acclaimed and popular films of all time. He has won an Oscar, three BAFTA Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards, among other accolades. Liam has starred in a number of iconic roles, such as Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List, Michael Collins in Michael Collins, and Jean Valjean in Les Misérables. He has also starred in a number of other highly-rated films, from major Hollywood studio releases (such as Excalibur, The Dead Pool, Nell, Rob Roy, The Haunting, Love Actually, Kingdom of Heaven, Taken, Clash of the Titans, The A-Team, Unknown) to smaller arthouse movies (such as Deception, Breakfast on Pluto, Chloe). Liam is an accomplished actor and has won legions of fans for his stunningly versatile performances. He is a true icon of the film industry and is sure to continue entertaining audiences for years to come.